Tuesday, June 12, 2012

We bought a car!

What I really wanted was one of these:

They are everywhere. My friend Ralf jokes that if his country had one WWII everyone would get to drive one of these. (It's a joke. IT'S A JOKE!) But the idea of no air bags, no crumple zone, no air conditioning counted against it. On the other hand, you can get one for about $1500. And when else was I going to drive a beetle.

So instead we got this:

A Toyota Yaris. It provides a number of firsts for me: first automatic transmission, first sedan (called here a saloon car). And while my eye was tempted away from the beetles by any number of exotic French, Chinese, Indian, and Korean cars that aren't available in North America, this one came with a great price and a great track record (I bought it from a friend).


vandy said...

sigh....it's all new and shiny!

Anonymous said...

A car with no air-conditioning, huh? Hmm…for as long as it has windows then I’m all for it! Anyway, you can always choose the best car! Haha! And looks like you got yourself one – and a Toyota Yaris too! Congrats!

-Sara Anthony

Dewey Setlak said...

As long as it runs and can bring me to my destination, then I’m on it too! I can have this Beetle restored and customized. Anyway, I know it’s late but still, I’d like to congratulate you for being able to purchase your first sedan! Is this your first car?

Unknown said...

It’s almost a year now and I bet your Toyota Yaris has been satisfying during your road trips. I think a beetle can be one of my car choices, but driving without air-conditioning is one of the hardest things that I can experience. Don’t get me wrong, it’s so dry and dusty in our place and having the windows open while driving can really make me sick. Anyway, this is a great car! :)

-Enoch Ross-