Saturday, March 12, 2011

The scene of the crime

Here is the gutter I fell into; actually stepped into and then fell over. This sneaky gutter is not near any roadway and has no accompanying curb. Now picture coming on this in the dark.
Most of my wounds have healed. The right knee, the one I bashed going down into the gutter, is still sore (after two weeks!), though it is getting better, slowly.

Last Monday I went to the hospital to have the knee checked out; day nine and still hurting. I got an X-ray, had my knee poked enough to aggravate it, and was given a prescription for some unknown pain killer. It took until Wednesday to fill the prescription, and then I abandoned it after two days. Wednesday and Thursday evenings I had migraines and didn't sleep a stitch. I self-diagnosed the drug as the cause and on Friday had no headache and slept the whole night through.

My student who fell into his own gutter is doing nicely as well. We compare wounds every couple of days.

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